What a mess!


It sneaked up on me.  I didn’t really realise how cluttered my office was until one day, there I was, sitting at my kitchen table with my laptop, instead of my office, uneasy and uncomfortable.  All those sneaky feelings of shame, overwhelmed, disgust, avoidance, unsettled, lost, discouraged and so on were built up in the clutter of my office.

The problem with physical clutter, whether it be your office, your closet, your cupboards, your drawer, your garage, your car, or anything else, is that it dramatically affects your emotional, psychological, and spiritual health.

So today, it was “Clearing Clutter” day!  Granted, at first, I had no clue of where to start.  I felt discouraged and overwhelmed just being in the space of my office.  So I rallied up my husband and daughter for support, help and encouragement in getting my office organised.

As a Law of Attraction coach, I know how powerful clearing clutter in our life is.  There actually is an exercise we practice called “Clearing Clutter for Clarity” that Abraham Hicks wrote about in “Ask and it is Given”.

So what do you need to DECLUTTER IN YOUR LIFE?

What is stopping you from cleaning your mess?  It’s too overwhelming?  You don’t know where to start?

Well, do you know how to eat an elephant?  One bite at a time.  That’s exactly how you will tackle your clutter.  One piece of paper at time;  One piece of clothe at a time;  One object at a time.

What works best for me is emptying the space (ie my office this morning) and have different piles set up:  keep; give; trash.  Then, I go through the “keep” pile.  Only what I truly and really need goes back into my office.  Everything else goes.

As soon as I started the decluttering process, I noticed a shift within me.  I WANTED to continue with this as it was getting me clarity, I was feeing so much better mentally, and lighter too.

I invite you to pay attention to your physical surroundings.  What needs to be cleared up?

When you want to attract something to you – you have to make room for it. Otherwise, you’re sending mixed signals and vibrations out there.  On one hand you’re saying “I want more ___” (fill in the blank) and on the other hand you’re saying “But I have no room for it, nor am I making any room for it; so I REALLY don’t want it.”

I assure you that if you are having difficulty manifesting something in your life, once you start clearing the clutter in your physical environment, your vibration will shift, and you will automatically allow things to flow to you, your energy will be more positive, and you will get more mental clarity on what you want.

Remember, EVERYTHING is energy, and your vibrations is your attraction point.

Are you ready for some clarity?  Are you ready to release what no longer serves you?  Are you ready to make room for what it is that you really want into your life?  Are you ready to allow what it is that you really want into your life?

I hope you answered with a resounding YES!!!

So once again, what needs to be de-cluttered in your environment right now?  Go.  Get Started Now.  Don’t delay.  Don’t postpone.  Your manifestations are ready for you – they just need you to make room for them.

If you want help implementing order and clarity into your life, I am here for you.  I am a certified coach, and I can help you implement this information and attain your goals and visions. There is no cost or obligation for a FREE BREAKTHROUGH session.  Contact me and we’ll set up a time.

from my soul to yours,

with Love, Joy and Peace always,

Janick signature

Energy Shifter, Intuitive Artist & Love Guru
Certified Law of Attraction Coach
Infinite Possibilities Trailblazer Trainer
Certified Angel Card Reader
Reiki Master and Teacher


#anxiety #calm #coach #energy #grateful #guidance #hope #inspire #JanickLemieux #clutter #lifeCoach #OpenHeartSoulutions #peace #happy #soulnaked #soulnakedjanick #vibrations #raise #help #support #now #joy #harmony #flow #lawofattraction #loa #feel #emotions #declutter #mess #chaos #overwhelmed #clarity #shame #disgust #avoidance #unsettled #lost #discouraged #clearing #disorganised #disorder #order #disadvantage #advantage

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